
Well, as you can see we have been busy with lots of summer fun! Mackenzie is changing so fast. Her favorite activities right now are pushing things around the house (top picture), like the laundry basket, her leap table, or her doll stroller; and practicing new words. The other day at breakfast she said the word "apple" over and over again for two minutes straight. No, seriously. "apPLE, apPLE, apPlE, apPlE..." When I was telling Matt about it at lunch she started up again. She has also started walking around the house yelling for Matt - but she calls him Ma. With kind of a screech in her voice. "MA!!! MA!!! MA!!!" Matt is not too thrilled about it and told me that maybe I need to check my tone when I am talking to him =) .
A few days ago we had a rainy day, so I got Kenz some play dough. She really liked playing with it, and only tasted it once.
Today we went to this drive through zoo thing and petting area with our MOPS group. She had a great time and spent the whole drive pointing out the window saying "wow, coo!" She also liked the petting zoo a lot!

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