
This is miss Aubrey's hair when I don't have it clipped back.
Girls in their snow gear.
Christmas parade downtown.
The girls got a purple tree for their room! It is so cute and they love it.
Picking out a Christmas tree.

Mommy's birthday party!


These are all pictures I took at my inlaws house last week. We went out to Oklahoma for Thanksgiving and the girls had a great time playing on Nanny and Papa's farm. Mackenzie especially likes the tractor! Aubrey of course loves the animals.

Aubrey Grace is always climbing on something. Now that she has figured out she can get on top of the table and chairs, I can't keep her down!
Mackenzie holding some of her dinosaurs. She LOVES them right now and can tell you the names of all of them. She knows about dinosaurs that I have never heard of!

Mackenzie got her hair cut a couple of weeks ago - she looks so grown up <3

Aubrey and Charley are very best friends. He adores her because she feeds him all the time and that's pretty much all it takes with him :)