
Me and Mackenzie getting ready to go for a walk the other day. She is wearing her new big girl sunglasses that our friend Kari got her. She left them on, and they are soooo cute!

Mackenzie was watching her movie the other day while I was doing dishes. She had been sitting in her rocking chair, but when I came in to check on her she had climbed into the big rocking chair - I guess its a little more comfortable than hers!

Mackenzie thinks this is a hat. She crawls all over the kitchen wearing it on her head.

Matt got this picture the other day - she had actually pulled her chair a few feet so that she could stand on it and reach the pictures on the end table. And this is all before she can even walk :) .


Do you like my new look?! Matt helped me change my blog template, and I love it! Still trying to figure out a few little things...


My first pony tail!

Reading the paper with daddy.

Cool shades.


Mackenzie had fun playing with rice the other day.

YUMMY ravioli.

It has been beautiful here today, so we actually got to spend some time outside! We can't wait for spring!


Matt built a fort for Mackenzie out of couch cushions. She had a great time crawling in and out of it.

Here is Mackenzie giving me heart failure. She likes to stand up on her chair and rock, so we are really working on teaching her how to sit properly in a chair.

I love this picture of Mackenzie (actually sitting in her chair).


Sleepy eyes.

I would have to say that out of all the baby "stuff" we got, the bumbo seat ranks as one of the all time favorites. She still sits in it to watch her movie, and now she has started climbing all over it. She somehow balances on the rim, and crawls from it to the couch cushion, which are usually on the floor these days.

Watching Praise Baby.

Doesn't she look adorable in her hat and poncho that Grandma made for her?!

We have had a really fun weekend. My dad drove out on Thursday to spend a few days visiting and to pick up my mom. On Friday we went and looked at a few more houses. Saturday Mackenzie got her pictures taken and we went out to dinner at Olive Garden (yummy!). Matt and I also made an offer on a house yesterday, which is really exciting! We are hoping to hear back from them tomorrow - I will keep you updated!



Kenzie playing peek-a-boo!
Wearing a hat just like daddy.
Mostly naked baby.
Aunt Martha asked about how Mackenzie likes food these days. She is a pretty good eater. She isn't too picky, but doesn't eat a whole lot at one time. Her favorite foods are broccoli, carrots, string cheese, puffs, peach/pear fruit cups, avacado, and anything in spaghetti sauce. She used to really like meat, but hasn't been too crazy about it lately. The only thing that I just cannot get her to eat is eggs. It is really nice now that she is one and can have almost everything that we eat. She is also just getting into the stage where she wants whatever we have and points at it. We just have to hide the chocolate now!


Messy Fun

We had blueberry pancakes for dinner the other night - WHAT A MESS! Cute picture, though!

Here is Kenzie coloring a picture the other day. She spends about half the time coloring and half the time trying to eat the crayons.

We finally got so tired of taking Kenz away from the cat food that we decided to just let her get into it and see what she would do (great discipline, huh?!) She had a wonderful time pouring it from one bowl into the other and dumping it all over the floor. It was almost worth the mess - she played with it for about half an hour!