
Making Progress

We are making progress on packing and finally feel like we might actually be ready to move next week. Today we took everything down off the walls, which is the hardest part of packing for me. Mom took Kenzie's crib apart, and almost squashed Greyson (our cat) in the process, which while it would have been tragic had it actually happened, added some humor to our day. Ironically, Kenz has never even slept in her crib, or in her adorable nursery. We took a break (that lasted all afternoon), and went to some garage sales, a basement rummage sale in a church, and a second hand store. We found all kinds of cute summer clothes for Kenzie, a backpack for Matt, a mug warmer for me, some books for Kenz, and a HUGE bag of clothes for $2 for Jayden (the little boy of some good friends of our's). So I think the break was worth it :). We were planning on hitting some more sales tomorrow, but I think our garage sale budget is gone. So tomorrow should be a more productive day with nothing to distract us (yeah right).


Anonymous said...

Hi Kelsey,
This is neat! I love seeing how Kenzie is growing. I didn't know you were moving? Where are you going? Love, Aunt Christine

Anonymous said...

Wow! I didn't know they made camouflage twosies! She looks great in them, though. It's a really nice idea to let us see Kenzie (I still kind of like "Little Mack," though)growing up. Wish I was around to help you pack (and/or shop). Love, Grandma