
Hungry Hippo

Top pic is Mackenzie riding her hippo that she got for Christmas. It is supposed to eat blocks, but Matt pushes her on it and eats all kinds of things (like her farm animals) and adds in sound effects, too. She loves it. The bottom two are Kenzie trying to catch bubbles the other day. She also likes to try and catch them with her mouth. We have had a very relaxing day today. The staff decided to cancel church for tonight because of an ice storm that we are getting. Matt has had a rare Sunday night off and is watching football, and I have been cleaning out our file cabinet. Mackenzie got ahold of an old credit card about 20 minutes ago and has not put it down. She is crawling all over the place with it in her hand. Does this mean she is going to be a shopper?!

1 comment:

Joel & V said...

Mackenzie sure is getting big. Looks like she is quite adventurous. We're getting the ice storms here, too. We had church at NTCC but it was canceled last night also. Bryce has the flu so Bro Bill preached. Hope all of you are well. Take care!