
Insects of Unusual Size

Ever since I moved to the midwest, I have had the joy of experiencing some new and abnormally large insects. (Nothing compared to what Luke and Kacie have probably seen in Thailand, I'm sure, but for me, very disturbing.) First there are "June Bugs" or, as I like to call them, "Kamakaze Light Bugs" I hope I spelled that right, the spellchecker doesn't work. At night when you leave your porch light on, they fly as fast as they can towards it until they hit your door and die. I have actually thought that someone was knocking on our door only to open it and see upside down June Bugs all over the porch.
Next we have what Matt calls "Locusts", like the plauge in the Bible. They can be seen dead (thank goodness) on the ground at the park where we walk. They basically look like dinosaur-type bugs.
Last weekend I learned about "Sea-Ticks". Or "See-Ticks". Or maybe it's "C-Ticks" - I really don't know, but they are tiny little brown ticks that move in herds and climb your leg if you spend too much time in the woods. Matt came home covered in them after he went squirrel hunting (which is a whole other issue).
We also have your run of the mill spiders and crickets, except bigger. My favorites that I actually like are the pretty moths that like to hang out on our wreath, and lightning bugs.
I say all of that to tell you about the walking stick that has taken up residence on our sliding glass door. I saw it and kind of flipped out because I couldn't tell if it was inside or outside. Thankfully it was outside, so I let Mackenzie look at it. She watched it for awhile and tried to grab it, so I'm thinking she's going to be one of those kids who has sixteen mason jars with bugs in them all over the yard when she gets older. I guess I'll have to get used to having them around.

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